Monday, January 19, 2009


I went to the dentist today, for the first time since I was pregnant with Ethan. I don't know why I put it off so long. I love how clean and shiny my teeth feel right now. Matt stayed home with the boys so the appointment was practically like a spa treatment.

Also, I joined Facebook. I know, I know. First I thought it was lame, then I figured I was too old, now look out tech world, here I come! Let's be friends.


Yesterday we went to a baby shower in Kearney for my cousin Craig and his wife Tammy. Perfect timing, because today she gave birth to their little girl! It is always wonderful to spend time with my extended family. My aunts brought presents for the boys, and they were thrilled to play with my sister and cousins. Evan even acted like a normal baby, not a whiny clinging little spider monkey.

When we were loading up Ethan's 'pack-pack' for the road trip, he announced "I need to bring two twactors- one for me and one for Tessa."


Anonymous said...

and i am so glad he brought a twactor for me too!!! kudos to that blog i laughed out loud twice! altho it was great fun to drive twators throught the legs of adults i didnt know... the combo of crawling on the floor for who knows how long and hours in the car has now caused a constant shooting pain in my lower back...the things i go through for that kid! hope you had an amazing day glued to the tv. yay obama! love you!
p.s. facebook is not lame!!!

Jen said...

Yes, that kid inflicts a lot of suffering on others- I'm surprised you aren't immune by now.