Tuesday, November 4, 2008


We voted tonight! I was torn about whether or not to vote early and get it over with, in case a blizzard kept us from getting out or something. I really wanted Ethan to see the process, though, because we have been talking about this election so much. He recognizes the candidates and VPs (Jon 'Deere' Stewart is his favorite show, after all) but I haven't been sure how to explain the actual voting. (Our house is not a democracy in any way, shape, or form. I like to pretend to be in charge but, you know.) I decided to wait and go to the polls when Matt got off work, hoping that we could all go together and get ice cream or something to make it Family Fun. It was awesome! My eyes filled with tears when Ethan pointed to Obama's name (settle down, he just recognized the B) and he helped me color in the circle. What an amazing opportunity for us to participate in. I am watching the speculation and waiting on pins and needles, but I am so glad the campaigning is over. It will take a long time for this country to recover from the struggles we are facing but right now it seems possible that we will. I get a little hysterical when I think of McCain winning, but I know that God will take care of us no matter what happens. God bless America, and the Lord will bless and keep us.


Anonymous said...

That is really cute jen! ethan is so grown up!! i voted for the first time today!!! go obama!

Jen said...

Yay Tess! I am so proud!

Anonymous said...

That is so neat that voting was a family event! I sent in my ballot last week because I worked today, and was afraid I would not get to vote otherwise. At work today I could not wait to get home to watch the election coverage! I agree with you that Obama is the Change We Need!

Jen said...

PEEING is a family event, too, but I don't usually get choked up about it. :)

Jenny said...

That's awesome, voting as a family. What a great role model you are being for your kids!