1) Cat/dog food is apparently delicious.
2) Kisses heal a lot of owies, but major ones (wasp sting, smashed fingers) require a bowl of ice cream.
3) Disney movies are a lot more violent than you ever realized.
4) Babies are surprisingly tough.
5) Mothers are surprisingly tough.
6) Toddlers will hear every swear word you accidentally use but are deaf to reminders about cleaning up.
7) Don't listen to the people who tell you not to let your baby sleep in your bed- he won't really still be there when he's 12.
8) You will feel a little lonely when the baby does start sleeping by himself.9) Dirt is really good for the immune system.
10) It is very important to at least kick the small, pointy cars & tractors out of the way before you go to bed.
11) No matter how many adults are in the room, you will still feel outnumbered by the baby.
12) Even if you think you are too exhausted to do anything, you will somehow be able to keep the kids fed, clean (enough), and unharmed until Daddy gets home.
13) Imaginary friends can be just as annoying as your actual children. (Diego said at his house we don't have to go to bed.)
14) The seemingly innocuous word "why" will make you want to destroy your own ear drums with a dull steak knife to spare you from ever hearing it again.
15) How to play Post Office: 1) Throw all the couch cushions on the floor. 2) Wad up some papers and toss off the couch. 3) Bounce up and down, laughing hysterically.
16) Play groups are even more important for the mommy than they are for the kids.
17) No matter how nonviolent the environment is, boys will turn anything and everything into weapons.
18) Your standards for entertainment will sink to new levels. For example, I find Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus absolutely hysterical.
19) Two kids are more than double the amount of work, laundry, and fun.
20) When you watch the kids sleeping peacefully, you will forget (most of) the tears and look forward to doing it all again tomorrow.
I think you summed it all up, Jenny!
Laura! I thought you would have some great ones to add!
GREAT LIST!!!! I mentally make lists ALL the time too.... Here are a few that came to mind.
I have learned that toys are WAYYY cooler now-a-days compared to what we had as kids.....to operate on very little sleep.... you can never pack too many snacks for an outing..... to enjoy these days (even through gritted teeth) because I know they will slip right through my fingers.
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