Monday, October 27, 2008

Is Tessa coming today? Anyone?

It has been 76 hours (but who's counting?) since Tessa left but we finally seem to have found our rhythm again. It was so fun to have her around, and so satisfying to be able to get some projects done. I don't know why she doesn't just move here- Sargent isn't THAT different from Omaha, right? "Is Tessa coming today?" Ethan asks 59723 times a day. "Is she coming on Saturday? Is today Saturday?"

Evan is a really funny little mimic these days. It cracks me up to watch him 'work' with such complete concentration- whether he is putting (dirty) clothes in the dryer, wiping the walls (after days of scraping the wallpaper), or using a screwdriver on the bottom of a tractor. He helps put the toys away, but quickly remembers that it's much more fun to dump them out and sit in the basket.

Ethan is... Ethan. He alternates between charming little boy and hellish preadolescent. ("I don't know what you're talking about," Tessa remarked one day. "This child is a delight." Grrr.) He is very nuturing to his baby animals and he's really into dress-up right now. He is also into torturing me, using the time-tested techniques of manipulation and excessive whining.
Pop Quiz: A cowboy hat is to cowboy as giant plastic bowl on your head is to _______.
Pirate, DUH.
Gotta go. Here comes my plastic bowl, complete with spatula for 'chiing!ing' (otherwise known as a swordfight).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sorry ethan, not today but soon!!! I need to first recover from my trip, my neck is still a little sore from playing ball (unexpected tackles) and the animal catching(jumping on a blacket that i am resorting to the fetal position under...i'm guessing you have experienced that before) but good news i will be back shortly for evans birthday!!! yay!!! i miss you guys too!