Friday, January 29, 2010


This week:

~Evan threw out his first spontaneous "I yuv you" with accompanying attack-hug.

~Ethan said he thinks Tessa is his fairy godmother.

~Evan sat on the floor with the Hi-Ho Cherry-os and a flashlight for 17 minutes this morning. He held each cherry up to the light, pronounced it "sye-ney" (shiny) and put it into his tackle box.

~Ethan can write the number four, without any outside training apparently. (I also just recently discovered that he can count to 29. He skips 7 pretty consistently but I am impressed because I rarely count past 'three cups of flour' with him. Oops.)

~Evan sings everything, from sweet renditions of "Twinkle Twinkle" to information like "nose is WUUHNNning".

~Ethan is still the sweetest, most patient older sibling I have ever seen in my life.

~And yesterday I stepped on one of Matt's tools and managed to knock myself in the face with the iron handle, providing further evidence than I am too stupid to live.


Laura said...

Great to hear about your wonderful boys! Isn't it neat when they are completely absorbed in an idea? What if you had said , "Evan, put all the cherries in your toolbox." We know how that would go!

It must have been an enormous tool to hit you in the face! You poor dear!

Nancy said...

So happy you got past your writer's block! Have a great weekend.

Brooke said...

So cute!!!! I love the random singing about just about everything... we do that here too. And on the last bit.... if you made it through both of those boo-boos without screaming a curse word, I would say you are doing just FINE!!!