Monday, January 4, 2010


"Mom. When do people die?

"Uhh... when they get very very old and their bodies get worn out. Then they go live in Heaven with God."

"And Jesus."

"Yep, and all the other people who have died."

"Gwamma said she and grampa are old."

"Well, they're just a little bit old... not very very old."

"Beauty was very very old. Now she lives with all those other people."


"Are Zach and Jenna going to die?"

"Everybody will die someday, but they won't for a long long time."

"Ebil has no power. That's what they said at my program."

"That's right- since God is taking care of us, evil has no power on us."

"But I watched Bineas and Ferb, and Doofenschmirtz has power."

"That's on TV; it's just pretend."

"Like boxing is just on TV, not in real life!"


"Does God live in Heaven?"

"Yes, and He lives in our hearts. He is always with us."

"Do I have a heart?"

"Yep, everyone has a heart. Our hearts pump blood through our whole body. It keeps us alive."

"And breathing."

"Yes, breathing keeps us alive."

"When we are sick, we hold our arm like this." puts his face in crook of elbow

"That's right, we don't want to spread germs."

"Dat's why we wash our hands! I know a lot about germs."


Brooke said...

What a sweet little guy he is! Isn't it interesting how they start to figure things out and piece together the puzzle of life. We get twenty questions at bedtime around here too. I am not entirely certain that mine is trying to piece things together as much as he is trying to STALL bedtime!! :)

Nancy said...

Too Dear - thank you so much for sharing this!!!

Laura said...

Now I am really weeping!

tessa said...

thats cute. i can see the look on his face when he is thinking about all of that stuff. geez jen... you should stop making laura cry!

Jen said...

That's funny- I didn't think about it making people cry. I was working so hard to keep up with the conversation (and telling him to zip it and go to sleep) I wasn't the least bit sentimental. Plus I was trying to remember it so I could rush to write it down!

Brooke- a lot of bedtime talks definitely have that stalling flavor- those are usually the ones like "why do I have a red pillow?"

NUSLP said...

THis could be a story book! A circle themed book...which brings you back to dieing again:) LOVE IT!

Jenny said...

This is great. I love when little kids get all heavy about life and stuff. Their wheels are turning so fast you can see the steam coming from their ears. : )