Sunday, December 7, 2008

Last Man Standing

Mom and Dad succumbed to the Evil Bug yesterday, and Tessa is steering clear of this plague-infested house, so Kirk is the only one left to provide any sort of fun this weekend. Luckily he is Super Uncle - building colossal block towers, providing horsey rides, and snuggling on the couch with a little guy when he wasn't feeling well.

Evan has been even clingier than usual lately, which I did not think was possible but it must be because I have an actual saddle sore on my left hip. It is red and raw and hurts like heck when I carry him, which is ALL THE TIME. My body has changed a lot since having these children, obviously, and I am okay with the saggy boobs and larger jeans, but I am not prepared to spend the rest of my life with a baby-shaped callus on my side. Seriously. I don't know what trauma I have inflicted on him to cause these major abandonment issues but it must have been bad and I AM SO SORRY KID I PROMISE I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU PLEASE STOP SCREAMING WHEN I PUT YOU DOWN TO WASH OUT THE BARF BUCKET.

So, Super-Fun Pre-Christmas Weekend: Fail. How are you guys?


Anonymous said...

You poor people! I'm sorry you are all sick. I know it is hard to imagine, but one of these days Evan won't want to have a thing to do with you... I think he is going to be brilliant.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Laura...he will be brilliant, and perhaps a great writer like his mother!
I always said that I carried Sarah for 9 months in front of me and then for 18 months on my hip... and look, now she is happy to be away from me!!!!
I am so sorry I didn't get to see you guys but I am very glad that I avoided the germs.... Hugs

Brooke said...

Oh my!!!
I am catching up on your blog and I must have missed this one.
I am trying not to laugh at the "saddle sore" but I can't help but stifle a giggle or two....
I feel your pain!!!!!
The only reason I haven't gotten one is that I don't have any hips!!! I wish I did so he could have something to sit on. My arm eventually goes numb!!!