Sunday, July 27, 2008

Eight is NOT Enough: Days 1 & 2

So obviously, we had a great vacation. We (Matt, Jenny, Ethan, Evan, Bruce, Ellen, Kirk, Tessa, and Grandpa Joe) pulled out of the driveway at the crack of 3 pm on Saturday afternoon. Of course I left the sprinkler on in my garden, which my dear friend Laura came out to turn off after she returned from the ER with her husband who broke his arm after rolling a tractor. (Not to worry, their whole family worked together to do our chores all week. Guilt!) She also shut a bunch of windows in the house. (I am so lame.)

Q: How many adults does it take to adequately prepare and pack up a small family for a week-long vacation in the mountains?
A: Beats the crap outta me.

Ethan started out riding with the grandparents, then came into the Excursion for awhile, then screamed "I want my gwamma! I want to see Gwampa!" until we stopped, threw the carseat back into the truck, and drove away as fast as we could. Evan was a pretty happy passenger since there were enough young adults to make googly eyes at him without dozing off mid-tickle.

11,479 potty stops later, we arrived at my great-aunt and uncle's home near Riverton, WY. We love, love, LOVE Liz, Paul, and their family. These are the same toys I played with as a child:

We headed up the mountain on Sunday afternoon...I think I'll need another post for that because it's time for a nap. Yes, I know there is a huge pile of laundry to do, and no, I have not ventured out to the garden yet but hello! this blog is not going to update itself. Stay tuned (if you think you can handle the cuteness).


Jenny said...

I totally dig that bell on the stand thing in that one picture . . . I imagine having one of those and ringing it at dinner time, then all the men folk would come in from the fields and I would, like, dust off my floor length skirts or something. I've read Little House on the Prairie one too many times.

Deidre Ochsner said...

I cannot immagine! I am dreading the 8 hour car ride to omaha with Alexis. Wish us luck!