Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Ethan is home! "My mom! My Jen!" he yelled as he ran into my arms. Everyone he had been with last week kept going on and on about how well-behaved and charming he was. He's been in time-out hundreds (maybe thousands) of times since Sunday, and has thrown fit after eardrum-rendering, mind-numbing, soul-crushing fit at bedtimes. Obviously I have brought home the wrong kid.

Who's in the mood for a potty story? (You know you are!) Today Ethan has decided that he will only stand up to pee "like Daddy and Grandpa". Without a stool, of course. "What are you DOING?" he yelled when he barged in on me this afternoon. Did he think I missed the memo on the new, approved potty usage system? I explained a little more about the process. Motherhood is sooo glamorous. By the way, at what point are parents no longer compelled to share these stories? I really can't stop myself. Is there a pill for that?

Evan is adorable, in case you haven't heard. He is nursing right now, humming and playing with his toes. His eyes are so beautiful. I haven't ever gotten a good picture of them. He always ends up with red eyes, then I try to fix it and they look black. Hopefully someone with less craptacular photography and/or technical skills can get on that. Anyway, for the record: there is a thin, deep-blue circle around each iris, then a wide light-blue circle, then a really thin circle right around the pupil that is slightly darker than the middle circle. Swoon.

So I spent all morning trying to get Ethan to pick up his toys. We played music, we had a race, we did teamwork (what's gonna work? TEAMWORK), he sat in timeout, he couldn't have a posicle/go outside/etc. They finally got picked up, and I vacumned, and 15 minutes later he dumps out the baskets. "Mom! I'm looking for treassssssssure!" he howled as I stormed in. Well, who am I to stand in the way of a treasure hunt. He'll need it when he is supporting me in my old age.

Anyway! I know you're not really here to read these ramblings so I present these for your viewing pleasure:


Anonymous said...

Hi Jenny -
It was great to see you and the boys last week. Thanks for the "now we are home" update. Sorry to tell you that even as teen agers, they are great when they are "out and about" and then melt down at home and they still don't like to pick up their toys!.
Hugs - Nancy

Anonymous said...

Hey, I was wondering when you were going to post a new one. I got tired of looking at my own picture! Are you ready for Wyoming?

Anonymous said...

very cute, and sorry he has had so many melt downs this last week luckily the child to adult ratio is goin to jump to 1 child for every 4 adults lol so that should work out well. cant wait to see you guys!!

Anonymous said...

Okay those two look adorable with kids what are they waiting for??