Monday, March 16, 2009

Sunny day

When it is 76 delicious degrees, there is only one thing to do- take a picnic to the park. I am amazed at how much more Ethan could do on the big equipment this time. He scurried up the chain ladders, went down the fire pole, and even braved the tunnel twisty slide. There were lots of kids to play with today, which I love watching. Evan ventured away to pet a puppy once but spent the other 99.99% of the time glued to my hip. He knows how to have fun.
When playing outside at our house, Ethan almost always chooses to dig with a shovel, scoop with a bucket, and push stuff around in his wheelbarrow. He works so industriously; I can just see his little muscles moving furiously. It must be such a relief to enjoy big movements after spending so many hours inside. Jumping on the couch just doesn't compare to shimmying up a tree or jumping off the deck. I only hope Evan remembers how much fun it is to move about on HIS OWN TWO FEET soon. Sheesh. If Discovery Health wants to do a show about people who became conjoined after birth, sign us up. His bottom molars are in and he was happy for, like, one day but now his fever is up again and he is back on my hip. I'm going to miss this someday, right?


Brooke said...

I love that you still managed to get photos with a baby..ok - toddler glued to your hip! I am often trying to hold Dylan, take pictures and keep him from getting his fingers in front of the lens -all at the same time. It was fabulous here today too.... finally :) Glad you all got some much needed fresh air!

Anonymous said...

Someday you'll have to explain to Evan that you couldn't get a picture of him because you couldn't run fast enough... Ethan is darling though!

Jenny said...

How CUTE. He looks like a little baseball player!