Friday, March 27, 2009

My Day

Ethan: [wailing away on Evan]
Me: Stop that! You're going to hurt him!
Evan: Ha ha.


Things Evan Has Unloaded From The Fridge:
eggs - individually, not just the carton
juice- 'poured' it into a cup himself, A for Effort
3 yogurts- punctured each one, dumped out a little, then started a new one 5 minutes later
eggs- AGAIN

*Note to self- stop complaining about everyone joining you in the bathroom. The alternative is much, much worse.


Ethan on the phone with my dad: "I got 2 ears! How many do you got?" pause "EARS! How many ears do you got?" pause "EARS!" "Gwampa, are you still there?" aside "Evan shush down!"


tessa said...

they are sooooo cute!!!!!

Nancy said...

Geez, tell your dad it wasn't that tough of a question! Have fun with your folks!

Brooke said...

And you wonder why your grocery bills are so high!!!

Laura said...

Wow! Ethan knows how to sass before he can talk! He is brilliant!