Wednesday, March 11, 2009

No More Mr. Nice Guy

Lately Evan has been a little unpleasant, to put it politely. Fussier, bossier, clingier (yeah! who knew?), squawkier...I can't tell if it's about being sick or having company or teething or permanent personality change or if he just realized how much his life SUCKS, which I would like to remind him is NOT AT ALL. And the biting! Yesterday he got mad at Ethan, pulled Ethan's head down with both hands, and bit him over the eye!! What the HELL, Baby? Mom's theory is that this kind of attitude precedes a major developmental leap. If so, he must be about to come up with new mathematical theorems or laws of physics but I would gladly settle for some plain old English VERBALIZATIONS. The ehhhh, heeeee, ooooohs, are The only physical milestone that would be helpful would be for him to spontaneously potty-train himself. There isn't much left for him to accomplish on that particular chart. Yesterday alone he pushed a chair up to the counter, climbed onto the counter to open the cupboard with snacks, found the stove-burner knobs, climbed back down onto the floor, and tried to put the knob on so he could turn on a burner and kill us all with the propane fumes. All while I was putting out a plate of scraps for the cats, which took like 10 seconds!!!! If you don't hear from me tomorrow, send help.

The kids pulled a bunch of papers off my desk while I was typing this. "You have a lot of toys to play with. Don't mess with my stuff." I snapped. Ethan smiled. "Yes, Your Majesty." Ha! That's more like it. All that Cinderella-watching is finally paying off.


Brooke said...

Ah-HA! So this just isn't happening at MY house!?!? I blame teething... he is beyond crankers lately. No biting yet - thank goodness! Oh, and the potty training..... that would be so great! Dylan is pooping like 4-5 times a day and it is an all out wrestling match to change him! To top it off he is the worst case of diaper rash I have ever seen. The dr. said I couldn't wipe him I have to wash him.... ughhh... 3 times so far today I have gotten soaked with poop water as I attempt to clean him up! Anyhoo, sorry to vent! Hope we hear from you tomorrow!! I think they have those baby proofing covers that go over the knobs??? Just a thought!

Anonymous said...

Jenny you are so funny! I'm sure you must make all this stuff up, because it can't be real, right? I had to take the knobs off the stove when Nick was little too, or we'd come in the kitchen and find a burner on...But I don't think he ever sought out the knobs... I'm so glad they have elevated you to "queen" status - your rightful position. Hang in there!

Jen said...

Laura- I think he was seeking the suckers or smarties, and the stove knobs were an exciting coincidence.

Brooke- ehhhh, that is not cool. Good luck with that?!

Anonymous said...

o i feel so sorry for you.... o wait, NO I DONT!! I AM SICK ON MY BIRTHDAY!!! the only pity party i am throwing today is for myself. i cant imagine that charming little guy doing stuff like that. so i am going to go make myself my 156th screwdriver minus the vodka and pretend that i am not old and lame and now not doing anything for my bday!!! love you!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I am all but rolling on the floor laughing.... Sarah was a biter. Kyle said one time "why don't those kids at day care move their arms fast like we do, Mom?" Hang in there, Your Majesty, and thanks for the great laugh! Hugs

Jenny said...

Make him go to college, become a brain surgeon, make tons of money and LITERALLY REPAY YOU FOR THIS.