Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sketti, spaghetti

Yesterday the spring-weather-preview came to an abrupt and nasty halt with freezing rain and snow. My wonderful aunt Laura had given the boys a play-doh set ages ago and I have been hoarding it, waiting to present it at the moment of maximum indoor desperation. Ta-dah! They loved it, and played for hours. "We should tell Laura and Nancy thank you for this sketti-maker!" Ethan exclaimed.


Laura said...

I'm glad they liked it! Wonderful pictures!

Allison Berryhill said...

Hi Jenny - Laura (re)sent me the link to your blog because she KNEW I'd love to hear the "Holy F#$%" entry--and she was right! I'm grinning. Reminds me of when Max (under 5) dropped an F-bomb at his grandma's house and when his big sister tattled, he assured me it was okay because Grandma didn't know that word!

The Antler (capital A) story is so...genuine. WHY am I trying to help you come up with something it will be okay to scratch the wall with? A garden claw? An exact-o blade? A drill bit?

Your boys are beautiful; your writing is delightful!

Velvet Over Steel said...

I love it! Play dough was always a big hit with my boys and my daycare kiddos. I still have a hugh container of cookie cutters and similar 'stuff' for neighbor kids and grandbabies some day. :-) ~ Coreen

Jen said...

Thanks, Laura!
Allison, I just love your comments. I think I will pass on the garden claw, exacto blade, and drill bit though.
Hi Coreen, nice to "meet" you! :)