Thursday, March 25, 2010

Duck, duck, goose, duck, goose, goose, duck

From the first time I drove through Lexington and saw the duck pond, I couldn't wait to take Ethan to meet a real-life Mr. and Mrs. Mallard. Our schedule and the weather finally cooperated and last week we took a picnic -PB&J for us, peanuts and bread for the ducks- and had ourselves an Adventure. It was one of those (rare) amazing days when the actual event is just as great as the picture in your head. The boys were sweet, no one got bitten by a goose, complete success!

Evan loved this bridge:

But Ethan insisted it was "too dangerous" and sounded just like my Grandma Lois when Evan took off: "Oh oh Evan! Come back here! Oh no!"

Duck, duck, goose

Goose, goose, duck, goose

And of course, the playground:

Yay, Spring.


Sarah said...

this is awesome!
and looks pretty fun. :)

Brooke said...

Cute photos - I love the bridge too :D What a cool spot for photos!
Glad to hear it was a success.... ya know, with no bites or tears. YAHOOOO.

Nancy said...

Great pictures! And yes, it is wonderful when an adventure goes as hoped and planned!!!! And too cute that Ethan sounded like Lois, this time :)

Laura said...

What a fun adventure! I'm glad Ethan was thinking of Evan's safety!