Saturday, April 25, 2009


There is an article over at Babycenter publishing the results of a survey that asked mothers if they considered their lives easier or harder than those of previous generations. My answer to that question can be summed up in two words: WASHING MACHINE. See also: antibiotics, grocery store. To be fair, the comparisons are only between you/your mother/your grandmother, not Caroline Ingalls, but still. The way the results were presented seemed kind of whiny to me. Boo hoo, it's so hard now because the TV exposes my children to things I don't approve of. Gee, what to do? Damn runaway television sets taking families hostage and forcing them to watch Spongebob. The author even says "Cell phones are great — until yours rings nonstop." Well I'm not sure about all the fancy, new-fangled phones, but mine has this little red button that to explain... turns it off. Kinda radical, I know, but you do what you gotta do.

At the bottom of the page, a list of related articles had this headline:
Study: New moms under stress.
Stop the presses! Hold the phone! Seriously, who is paying for this stuff? And how can I get in on it?

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Haaaaa!!! This is hilarious! I read the same thing, and I thought, is this serious? Like, are we really going to sit here and PRETEND that there is ANY CHANCE AT ALL that our generation could have it any more difficult? No, no, just no, no there is no way at all.