Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Make Way For (manipulative little) Ducklings

Ethan stood in front of me this evening before heading up to bed. "Mom, I want to be like Mr. Mallard and Mrs. Mallard," he stated quietly.
"How do you want to be like Mr. & Mrs. Mallard?" I asked.
"Have another supper, better than the first," he replied.

OK, so yes, we had already had supper, a snack, and brushed our teeth, but I can't argue with classic literary references. We shared one more bagel, which we fortunately didn't have to get by following a swan boat across a muddy lake.


Brooke said...

That is cute!!!!
Funny how they pull out all the stuff they read in books to work to their advantage :) And they know we will always fall for it! :D

Chase keeps begging for pre bedtime snacks lately too!!!! They must be growing again... boo hooo!

emily said...

ohh that is so so cute!!! I miss you guys

Laura said...

Yes! he likes "Make Way for Ducklings" now! I LOVE a child who can quote literature! He's brilliant!

tessa said...
