Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Catch up

I got a new camera (thanks again, Grandpa!!) last week but haven't had time to, you know, take any pictures. So here is one more unillustrated post, then I am pretty sure I will be on top of my game enough to take the camera with me, snap some shots of the boys, and upload them to the computer before they go off to college. Really. Sure.

Evan knows colors! The only one he says is "ello" but if you ask him to hand you the blue or green or anything one, he can do it 100% accurately. He is also saying more animal names and can do most of the basic noises. My Dad taught him to say chicken and er-er-er-er-oo when he was at their house, and it is pretty gosh darn adorable. So is his attempt at snorting like a pig. I'll have to videotape it because it's impossible to spell.

Ethan is going through some kind of odd phase: when Matt and Evan go out in the evenings to bale hay or whatever, Ethan has been choosing to stay inside with me. We have had some very pleasant chats and I can't get over how helpful he is. His newest chore is folding washclothes and dish towels, freeing up even more time for me to lie on the sofa and eat bonbons.

In between our rousing games of 'Who's Got The Kids?,' Matt is trying to get all the hay put up before his hernia repair on Tuesday (boo). I have been even less help than usual, what with working and all, but hopefully we'll get everything caught up (ha ha ha ha ha ha). The other thing I promise to stay caught up on is this poor lil blog. Really. Sure.


Laura said...

How wonderful to hear about your delightful boys! I was afraid they were at some developmental stand-still! But I was wrong - Evan learned to talk and Ethan is doing all the work! Fabulous! Wish I could see them!

Nancy said...

It was great to see you that night at your Mom's - I have some darling pictures I will send to you. I hope everything goes well with Matt's surgery. Hugs - Nancy

tessa said...

yay!!! a new post!!! i was hoping this day would come again!!

Jenny said...

Hernia?!?! And Evan knows his colors?!? Please stop making me feel like a parenting failure.

Thank you.

: )

Jen said...

Jenny, I am more surprised about the colors than all y'all.

Yes, hernia. Did I mention BOO.