Sunday, August 3, 2008

Fast Times

On the long list of Acceptable and Productive Ways to Spend Time in our house, updating this blog seems to fall somewhere between 'Play Guitar Hero with sticks' and 'Fold clothes.' (There are fingers to bite! Meals to prepare! Holes to dig!) So here are a few highlights from the past week:

Evan helped put up sweet corn. He actually got all the husk off that ear by banging it around on the deck. Who knew that strategy was actually useful for something? The weather finally cooled off enough that he could be outside for more than 30 seconds without exploding into a baby-pile of prickly heat.

We went to the pool. It was...awesome. I could live at the pool.

Ethan went to Sunday School all by himself! I was starting to get concerned towards the end that he would be wondering where I was, so Evan and I dashed down to his classroom. He looked up and said "Hey, Mom" nonchalantly. "I got some juice."

We went on a picnic. Evan ate more grass than anything else and Ethan didn't have much time to eat between running around from the slides to the swings to the 'excabator,' but I had a fairly relaxing meal, for once. Sitting in the shade, a slight breeze, happy boys- it was one of those rare, perfect moments when we were all content at the same time.


Deidre Ochsner said...

Those are the cutest pictures jen!!!

Anonymous said...

Now Evan is employed with meaningful work! That is so wonderful! It won't be long before you won't have a thing to do - the boys can handle it! Either you are a terrific photographer or your boys are gorgeous! The pictures are darling! Ethan went to Sunday School! He is so big! Laura

Anonymous said...

What does, "play guitar hero with sticks" mean?

Jen said...

You play guitar with a stick- sounds simple enough, right? WRONG. Apparently we each have our own stick guitar (NO, Mommy, dat is EVAN's)and before you can start playing, you have to put the invisible strap over your head. (Not wike dat, Mom, WIKE DIS! NO! NOT WIKE DAT!!!!)Apparently it is visible to Ethan, and I have yet to put on my guitar in an acceptable way. So, first we all get a little hysterical, then the fun can begin. Wanna play?

Anonymous said...

Holy cow! That sounds like me trying to play the real thing with my teenagers! Now Mom! You're late! Hit the blue one, no! the red one! Now! (are they blue and red?, I can't remember) I guess I'll pass with Ethan too!