Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I went to a funeral this morning for a three-year-old boy who ran between the tires of a tractor. My heart is broken. Not mine, not mine, not mine, it thuds hollowly.
Not my child, but my grief. Every mother's grief.

Three weeks ago he was at my house, driving toy tractors across the living room floor with my boys and serving pretend birthday cake in the little kitchen. He didn't want to go home, and his mother told him they could come back to play soon. Last week, he wasn't with his mom and she said he was with his dad; "He would spend every moment in the tractor if he could." On Saturday, in the midst of getting ready for a mini-campout in the pasture, I got the phone call.

The boys were so excited about camping. "We's not seep in ours beds? We seep in ours tent?" Evan kept asking as though it were too good too be possible. As much as I wanted to curl up in a ball in my room, we pressed on with our adventure. After the boys had eaten their weight in marshmallows, they went to sleep while Matt and I sat by the fire. The stars were shining. How can it be that we have had such a lovely evening, while Jacob's family is devasted? I wondered. Matt kissed my forehead and whispered, this happens every night. Every night. Every mother's grief. Every mother's prayers.


Brooke said...

Oh dear - that is heartbreaking! I can't imagine the sorrow, the grief, the guilt. How devastating.
I will pray for them.

Anonymous said...

You will all be in my prayers.


Laura said...

I am so sad. Fly to Jesus, little one.

Jenny said...

Oh this is so horrible. When I hear these things I think of how blessed I am to have my babies alive and healthy but then that blackness starts when I think "THIS could happen" or "THAT could happen" and I live life always a little terrified. That's something I never thought about before I was pregnant. That when you love something more than you ever believed you could, you are suddenly scared out of your mind that it could be taken away.

My thoughts and prayers are with that family.

NUSLP said...

We are blessed during each moment we get to have with our kids. Wow! So sorry!

Anonymous said...

Jenny, I just read this tonight. Thank you for sharing your lives with us this last few months. Our Madde would not have done so well with her brother missing without Ethan and Evan. Thank you for camping with your boys that day...life is too short to give up moments like that. Beth