Thursday, May 20, 2010


The boys and I took a break from reality last weekend and went to Iowa to celebrate my little cousin Timmy's high school graduation. (This next weekend is my little cousin Sarah's graduation. Can you believe they let little kids graduate now? Ha. Just kidding guys.) (Not really.)

Getting out of here was a little stressful.
Me: We will leave Friday night.
Matt: Well, we need to get all the cows moved to pasture so let's brand the 16 new calves first.
Me: Aaaaahhhhhh.
So some good friends came to help, and we had a fun evening working and playing. It was so much fun to watch the 5 kids goof around together while we worked. They chatted with each other, ran races, climbed trees, built rock towers, and I don't know what all. It is amazing that they are big enough to do their own thing, completely oblivious to the adults nearby. Now that they are practically grown up (ages 2-7), think of all the peaceful evenings ahead! (Right? Right?!)

So we got out the door on Saturday, and 10,000 hours later arrived at our destination. The best part of the trip was picking up my brother in Lincoln and my sister in Omaha. I highly recommend scheduling reinforcements. The worst part of of the trip was everything else. But we made it, and being with my wonderful family just started that hole in my heart healing right up.

We stayed an extra day and visited a dairy ran by the family of Ethan's new best friends Josh and Jessica. It was so interesting! We milked a cow and saw the long line of milking machines, and the pen with all the baby calves (they have 10-15 every day of the year!) and the barns where the cows live (some of them sleep on waterbeds!) and finished up with chocolate milk. It was fascinating.

Now the boys are on their way home with my dad to spend the weekend at my parents' before we meet up on Sunday. We are so excited for more time with cousins and aunts and uncles!


Laura said...

I've been hoping for a new blog! It was great to have you here. You sound better.

Jen said...

I am better. You all were just what I needed!

Brooke said...

Sounds like a busy/fun/stressful trip. That is how traveling goes with our wee ones -right?
I love your advice on reinforcements. I hope you are well... happy... good!!!! It is hard to be far from family - right?

Laura said...

Jenny! It has been a long time! Surely something is going on at your house!

lindsay weiss said...

Thanks for my daily dose of Nebraska...I know those road trips all too well :-)