Thursday, February 28, 2008

Fun in the Sun

We went for another walk in the sunshine today with Ethan in the stroller and Evan in the Bjorn. Ethan stayed awake this time and carried on quite the quality conversation.
Ethan: Hey Mom! I heew an... ehw-pwane! (I hear an airplane).
Me: You do? Where?
E: Up der! points to sky - no airplane in sight
E: I heew a 4-wheeder!
Me: You do? Where?
E: Over der. I heew a... wace car!
Me: Really? Where?
E: Right der! I heew a boat!! Right der!
Well, I'm glad that his daily dose of Curious George hasn't completely ruined his imagination. And I'm really glad that he didn't see any dumptrucks! The warm weather has been great. Between these walks and my all-carbs, all-the-time diet, I should be back in my old jeans by, oh, 2010.

1 comment:

Deidre Ochsner said...

Hahaha, I don't know that my old jeans should not just be tossed now... i have a feeling I will never be back in them!