Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Checking in

Hello! How are you? What have YOU been up to? I have been ...tending to a three-legged calf... wrangling a ginormous cow who got stuck in the mud... wrangling thousands (really, just 2?) of small boys with ginormous ideas... doing laundry... planting seeds... doing laundry... you know, the usual.

We had a great Easter with my family, and the weekend before Easter I had a great birthday celebration with my sister (who drove out here two, count'em two, weeks in a row) and friends, and the weekend before that, just kidding.

It's late, I don't really know where I'm going with this... I just wanted to get back here to this little space on the interweb where I never have to say things like "Don't poop on the deck" and "It is not okay to take someone's shovel and then knock them down with it."

Oh! And we have chicks! And ducklings! In the basement!

Good night, all.


Jenny said...

I am fine, thank you for asking! Myself, I haven't written in forty years or so! I love the baby ducks! You've been way more productive than me!


Jen said...

Ha! I thought your final ! was mocking me, but then I reread your comment!

Brooke said...

We are well here too. It is good to hear from you here and via comments - I had to laugh, when I opened my email I had FOUR from you, right in a row - THANKS! My boys would go crazy for those baby chicks and duckies. How cute :D

tessa said...

so now you need to write a new block that says ur sister made it out there 3 out of 4 weeks in a row! count those!!! and i am doing good jen thank you for asking. i would tho like a new blog, i comment, you blog! thanks. love you!

Laura said...

I agree with Tessa, Jenny! Where is a picture of your wonderful sister doing all the work? I hope you don't have to send Evan to therapy for leaving him out of the last blog. Doesn't he get to hold ducklings?