Monday, December 1, 2008

Christmas Cheer

Happy birthday month to Ethan! Evan's month of celebration sort of fell apart, and I'm guessing that Ethan's will too, what with sharing it with Baby Jesus and all. But today, so far, has been a lot of fun. We ran tons of errands and both boys were great li'l shoppers. I asked Ethan if he wanted to go out to lunch and he answered enthusiastically: "Oh yeah, Mom! Can we have Chinese?!" That's my boy.

We have been listening to Christmas music and putting up decorations. Well, some of us put up the decorations, others just carry them around. Let me just say that stepping on a wise man while stumbling to the bathroom in the dark does not fill one with Christmas spirit. Yesterday we made egg yolk cookies and tonight we got sugar cookie dough in the fridge to roll out tomorrow. I had the brilliant idea of making lots of batches to have some ready in the freezer but it turns out that the number of cookies I make = number of cookies eaten. Oh darn, we'll just have to keep baking.

Ethan was being pretty rotten to Evan yesterday- grabbing toys, knocking him down, not sharing, etc. After countless timeouts and separations, I finally overheard him using his sweet little nurturing voice. "Here you go, baby, do you want a bite of cookie dough? I will share with you. OK. You are such a nice widdle baby," he was saying. Without turning around, I silently congratulated myself on my excellant parenting skills and the quality relationship I was fostering between my children. Then I saw him tenderly holding the little plastic Baby Jesus from the Veggie Tales nativity scene, putting small bites of dough on its face. Okay, quality relationship with and concern for inanimate plastic objects: check.


Anonymous said...

Hi Hon - how fun that you have started your baking! Keep it up. I am afraid it will be like this for MANY years to come! I plan to see you in Crete on Sunday - that will be so fun. Does Ethan have any birthday ideas? Hugs to ALL of you - Nancy

Jenny said...

Such parallel lives we lead, we too have been listening to the music and getting into the Christmas spirit and all, although you once again have the upper hand on me since you are baking your own cookies while I just imagine that I am and eat my mother's instead.

Also, and I cannot help myself, but at least your nativity scene has "sole"! Ha, get it? Sole, as in the bottom of your foot?!

Ba dum bum CHING, thank you folks I will be here all night.

Jenny said...

I'm really sorry for that. It's like, 11:30 p.m. here in Georgia and sometimes late at night I think I'm funny.

Anonymous said...

Grandma Harriet used to hide things in the freezer (nuts, chocolate chips, cookies) and label them with undesirable names - "Lard" or "bacon grease", to keep Grandpa out of them.

A friend of mine just delivered twin boys this weekend. Numbers 7 and 8! Now they have 3 girls and 5 boys! Isn't that wonderful?

Brooke said...

Sounds like you are feeling better!!! Loved this post ;)
Keep on baking... what the heck - right??? My poor guys think "baking" is when we roll out premade cookie dough. I am pretty darn lazy and not very tolerable of the mess involved in actually making cookies with my little helpers. I know, I know... get over the mess and the calories and just let them have fun already!!!

Deidre Ochsner said...

Love it! The boys are SO adorable Jen!