Friday, April 19, 2013


January, February, and March were kind of stressful at our house this year. So when a Monster Truck Jam in Kearney coincided with the weekend Evan was done with the brace for a broken collarbone, we jumped at the chance for some Family (and Friend!) Fun.

We topped it off by staying at the Holiday Inn with an "indoor water park." The boys LOVED it, but it was basically everything Matt & I hate about being out in the world. Oh well, there have been much worse sacrifices in the name of parenthood.

And with the all-clear from the doctor, Evan was free to get back to doing all the work! 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Snow Day Baking

When Ethan woke up to a snow storm last week, he was absolutely crushed. "Awwwww," he said as he looked out the window, "We only had a FEW days of Spring, NO Summer, and NO FALL!" I reassured him that this was part of Spring in Nebraska and we could still look forward to the next seasons. After a week of cold weather and icy precipitation was followed by another snow storm last night, I needed to step up our snow day activities. Never-ending winter seemed like the perfect reason to finally attempt making doughnuts without the supervision of my mom and Matt's Aunt Linda, Bakers Extraordinaire. I gathered my helpers, ground some wheat, and got to work.

While the dough was rising, we played a few games of Rummikubs. Evan must have had a developmental leap in the past few weeks because instead of just filling up a rack with tiles and looking for the jokers, he actually played a hand all by himself! I love it!

Then we enjoyed doughnuts for lunch, because we didn't get started at the normal doughnut starting time of 4:00 am, took a long nap, and enjoyed more doughnuts for a snack. I guess another snow day wasn't so bad after all.

They aren't picture perfect by any means but they were delicious!